CAMTEL, in celebration of its 25th anniversary, launches the blue Tech Challenge throughout the country. The overall objective of this contest is to identify, assess, reward and promote projects, ideas, innovations and good technological practices from universities and higher institutions of learning, researchers and start-ups.
Best University Project
This prize will be awarded to the best project backed by a university or higher institution of learning, developed by students, researchers…
Best Tech Start-up
This prize will be awarded to the best technology start-up based in Cameroon and run by a Cameroonian…
Best Woman-Led Start-up
This prize will be awarded to the start-up with the best technological project addressing a challenge faced by women…
Best Innovation for People with Disabilities
This prize will be awarded to the best project led by a disabled person or addressing a challenge faced by people with disabilities, through the “Tech Is the Bridge” concept…

Contest Schedule
Submission deadline
Submissions are accepted from the date of publication of the Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) until 15 July 2024.
Longlist of 50 candidates
Holding of the first session of the Panel of Judges to select a longlist of 50 candidates on the basis of their submissions.
Announcement of the 50 submissions longlisted
Results of the 50 best projects in the various categories will be published.
Bootcamp with longlisted candidates
Longlisted candidates will follow a specialised mini-training programme and video pitches will be recorded.
Publishing of videos pitches
The video pitches will be published on CAMTEL’s pages and the public will be invited to vote.
Holding of the second session of the Panel of Judges to shortlist 30 finalists.
Announcement of the 30 finalists.
The list of finalists will be published.
Final winners of the contest
The results of the first edition of blue Tech Challenge will be announced by the President of the Panel of Judges during an awards ceremony to be held in Yaounde.
Training for winners
The winners will receive support for their projects.
Try your luck and stand a chance to bag an award in the Blue Tech Challenge!

Frequently Asked Questions
Specific details on the prizes and the final participation criteria will be provided in due course and the application forms will be made available to prospective applicants.

Which start-ups can apply?
Only technology start-ups are eligible. They must be based in Cameroon, should be run by young Cameroonians (aged between 15 and 35), should have been in existence for no more than 5 years, and should not have received a national award within the last two years.
What are the priority areas concerned?
The projects submitted must focus on technological innovation in the field of digital economy.
Under what conditions can Universities and Higher Institutions of Learning participate in the contest?
Universities and Higher Institutions of Learning recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education may submit projects developed by their students and researchers in the area of digital economy or technological innovation.